Upon the Golan's rocky heights, in space that doth divide,
Israeli troops do take their posts, the buffer zone to bide.
Fear of rebels lurking near, the border they protect,
In the vineyard of defense, thus, new vines they infect.

In the East, where Ukraine lies, 'gainst Russian might they fight,
Their skies grow dark, by drones obscured, in fall's unsteady light.
From Moscow's cask, a bitter brew, of missiles fourfold sent,
Like an ale too strong, its potent sting, a sobering lament.

South Korea's reign, as wine left out, hath turned a sour note,
A sidelined leader sits in shade, while others steer the boat.
Not Yoon Suk Yeol, but prime minister, shall hold the vessel's sail,
'Tis a brew of dark uncertainty, that fills the public grail.

by Brother Arnulfus

a centaur